Sustain your fight for social change

Invest in yourself, your team and your community. Power your work to transform the world.

If you are here, you may be on a mission to address climate change, bring equitable access to justice, healthcare, education or economic opportunity in your community or around the world. Whether you are working for a mission-driven company, an international organization or serve as an activist or in public office, you know this work is hard. And it won’t get easier.

We need to constantly adapt, be more resilient, keep an unwavering faith that a better world is possible. But more often than not, we carry this pressure alone. Leaders who are fighting for change are burning-out at alarming rates: overworked, at the cost of their personal lives, caught between their calling and this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction, impatience or failure. The mountain just seems too big to climb.

People who care for others usually are the last ones to take care of themselves. Maybe because we hold this false belief that taking care of ourselves means we have less time and energy for the people whose rights we are fighting for? 

This lack of investment in ourselves and in our teams has been well documented, it hurts us and our mission:

  • It leads to high turnover, burn-out and massive quiet quitting;

  • It leads to leaders who, leading from hurt, create toxic cultures and ineffective organizations;

  • It leads to social change movements made up of wounded warriors.

To sustain our fight for social change, we need to invest in ourselves, in our teams and organizations. It is time we create lasting practices of mindset and self-care for those who help others, in a way that sustains both systemic change and individual growth. Not one or the other, BOTH.

Hi! I am Priscilla,

As a social change leader, I have over 15 years of experience transforming how our systems are designed to bring equitable access to healthcare and economic opportunity.

I support fellow changemakers, entrepreneurs, agency & organizational leaders who dedicate their lives to change the things that are broken in our society. I help them sustain their fight when it gets hard and help them find their place in the world through doing the work they care about.

I specialize in the psychology of resilience and psycho-traumatology, in impact-driven and international development settings.

 I work with individuals, leaders and teams on four objectives

  • “We all have areas of our lives where we just don't have the right tools to deal with them, so we don't. Instead of being honest with ourselves, we suck it up, grind through and bullnose our way through life” - Dr. Shawn Ginwright. When is the last time you have dealt with what holds you back?

    • Give yourself the place and attention to heal from the traumas and/or the wounds that pile up over time in your work and personal lives. When it goes unresolved, it turns into something that's not healthy for ourselves or our work for social change. Listen to what your body tells you.

  • Are you going through a challenging time in your role, feeling burnt-out, having doubt about your impact in the world? Is your organization or team experiencing significant strategic/funding shifts, a major transformation or changes in the leadership team?

    • Renew your commitment to social change by deepening your sense of purpose and exploring the values that define and fuel you.

    • Bring power to your team’s vision and objectives by going beyond problem solving into possibility creation.

  • Are you struggling to balance high performance with people development, leading to low team morale, lack of engagement or high turnover? Are you stuck in a cycle of developing frameworks and roadmaps without seeing progress, prioritizing quick wins over long term goals, harmony over productive conflict? Do you feel disconnected to the realities of communities you are fighting for?

    • Learn how to diagnose your team’s underlying challenges that lead to unproductive behaviors or stakeholder resistance

    • Develop the skills and tools to create collaborative relationships that embrace diversity and include people and collectives with different views and backgrounds.

    • Create a deeper connection with the communities you are fighting for to ensure your work is grounded in their realities.

  • Are you becoming a new parent or struggling to balance out parenting and work?

    • Prepare and sustain professional or personal transitions by identifying old patterns or experiences that limit you, creating a new narrative and exploring your inner operating model.


Being a solo founder of a purpose-driven startup is lonely at times, not to mention there are more than a few moments of self-doubt. Sometimes, our greatest roadblock is ourselves.
What drew me to working with Priscilla is her empathetic approach grounded in science. She led me through exercises to address self-limiting beliefs and also taught me tools I can use in stressful situations. Working with Priscilla has helped me more fully step into my role, do the hard things, and put me on the path to realising the full potential of my idea.
— Stephanie Pow, Founder and CEO, Crayon
A hugely emotionally intelligent, values-driven professional, Priscilla reflects continually on her own work and how she can be more effective and supports others to do the same. She knows how to ask the right questions and listen carefully to collaboratively arrive at the best answer. We worked together on very difficult issues around supporting locally driven and sustainable responses in the context of donor transition. Priscilla was invaluable in helping to stay focused on what we could do to achieve health service access and equity when so many things were out of our control. She is a great ally to anyone looking to re-connect themselves and / or their teams and organizations to their purpose and why we do what we do as development and social change professionals.
— Praveena Gunaratnam, Director, CHAI

Step into your power to transform the world